2024 turned out to be my slowest publishing year. I wrote three new books (Elvren Assassin, Angel Born, and Hunter's Moon). Released two of those along with an omnibus set for the League of Supernatural Assassins. I also released a special eBook omnibus set of all the books that center on the Ryan family. And Hunter's Moon was included in the Moonlight Duet Kickstarter that I did in November. Hunter's Moon will be released to the general public in February.
I am almost done with the first draft of Whispers of Fire and Fae, which is scheduled for an April Release. And then the follow up to that book will be out in the fall of 2025.
Why the slower pace, well we had some big trips this year and we retired in September, so I've been trying to get my writing schedule in order and a plan for my publishing schedule. Instead of four to six books published a year, I am slowing the pace for both living life reasons as well as budgeting reasons.
My writing income is not large enough to sustain four to six books per year at this time, so I am adjusting to meet a goal of spending only what I bring in for royalties. Thus the cut back. I love writing and it has given me some extra cash over the years. I will continue with the hope that I am in the right place at the right time with a release that goes viral. Until then, I'll just keep plugging along and have a modest publishing plan in place as I navigate this new retirement normal.
I hope you attained what you wanted this year and wish you all a Happy New Year and a stellar 2025!
Until next time,