Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Six degrees of Ty Aris...

This month has been really busy with the release of Fallen and Saving Grace.

Yes, Saving Grace has been released early on select distributors!

And I got to thinking about how many connections and fictional lives Ty Aris has touched. 

Here is the list of what books he has appeared in chronological order of his life:
1. Fallen
2. Survival Games (Free!)

These stories span from his childhood all the way to his death, and beyond. From the innocent to the jaded, he's transformed from good to evil and redeemed himself a time or two. He has been by far the most fun character to write and now, with the new Ryan Chronicles Series we will get to really know his son, CJ.

So, let’s play the game and from the pool of answers, I’ll pick a winner and they will get a choice of an audio version of any novel except Fallen and Saving Grace, or any e-book of your choice.

Name these connections...
What were the names of Ty’s lawyers?
Who sold Ty the property in Maine?
What was the name of the Judge that married Ty and Jessica?
What's the name of the doorman at Ty's building in New York?

And an indirect, much more obscure connection...
Who managed Ty’s portfolio?

Good luck and thanks for playing...

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