Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jenny Craig Week 20

Lost half of the pound I gained a couple weeks ago - so not back to before the chocolate binge, but getting there. 

This coming week will be challenging because I go back to work after a month on disability for shoulder surgery.  It should be interesting, especially since there are two snow storms forcasted.  Ugh.  I'm ready for spring and we're only in January. 

I'm going to continue on the exercise path of an hour a day on the gazelle - at least that's the plan.  Hopefully I won't be too drained from work to put in the time!

My end of January goal is to be 9 pounds away from my goal.  Originally, I wanted to be 5 pounds away from goal - but had to revise that because of the chocolate binge.  I'm not going to come near the original goal - so that is now the goal for the end of February.  I think that's doable, as long as I adhere to the program I've set in place. 

Until next week

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